Atlantis Lodge AMORC. WA DC
(Text in English below)
Algumas fotos –!AuwEJ-_opc9z50dIWURT0tNG7MgS?e=T79bFB
-No dia 15/11/13 visitei a Atlantis Lodge em WA DC. Washington District of Columbia no Estados Unidos, na 4839 Meade Street , algumas quadras da Deanwood Metro Station. A loja estava comemorando neste evento seu 65th aniversário e promoveu encontros e trouxe para uma jornada mística sobre ” Rules and Laws to Know as We journey The spiritual Path ” com o Frater LONNIE EDWARDS. Atual Vice presidente da diretoria da grande Loja de Língua Inglesa.
-Frater Lonnie escreveu vários livros e alguns traduzidos para o português. Ao falar com ele mencionou que o Fr Parucker traduziu alguns para o português, mas me disse para ler em inglês. Disse a ele que agora que conheço o autor, vou procurar os seus livros.
-Fui recebido pela Soror Laeticia Ambourouet, natural do Gabon da cidade Lambarene. Quando falei que já tinha visitado sua cidade e o hospital de Albert Schweitzer , conversamos mais ainda.
-A monitora regional Soror Aicy Karbstein, que fala português e é brasileira mas já está aqui desde pequena, falou do seu entusiasmo pela ordem. Estava coordenando o encontro junto com o mestre da Loja Fr. Steve Wallenhorst. O Grande Conselheiro Fr. Teko Folly o qual conheço pessoalmente só ia se fazer presente nas festividades do dia 16, domingo.
–A propósito,todos os graus, exceto o último somente são conferidos pelo Grande Conselheiro e o último somente pela Grande Mestre. Procedimento diverso da GL do Brasil.
-Houve intensa participação dos fratres e sorores durante o trabalho desenvolvido pelo Fr. Lonnie que abordou os atributos do eu interior, do ego para desta forma cada um concluir qual o tema de casa precisa ser feito para evoluir. “A raiva é uma reação , nosso inimigo, devemos aprender a não reagir.”
-On november 15th, 2013 I pay a visited to Atlantis Lodge Amorc in Washington DC , at 4839 Meade St, a few blocks from the Deanwood metro station. The lodge was celebrating his 65th anniversary and brought a famous Writer and speaker for the event: Frater LONNIE EDWARDS, Vice President of the board of directors of the English Grand Lodge.
-Frater Lonnie wrote many books and some are in Portuguese. He mentioned that Fr. Charles Parucker , Past Grand Master of the Grand lodge of Brazil had some books translated to Portuguese and I replied , now that I know the author I will look for the books.
-I was greeted by Soror Laeticia Ambourouet,from Lamberene, Gabon. When I told her that I have visited the Albert Schweitzer hospital we start to talk even more.
–Soror Aicy Karbstein, Regional Monitor , she is Brazilian and speaks Portuguese and lives here since childhood, spoke to me about her enthusiasm on Amorc. The Master of the Lodge Fr.Steve Wallenhorst was coordinating the events. Grand councilor Fr.Teko Folly, which I know personally would show up on Sunday the 16th for the celebration.
-By the way, all the degrees except the last one are conferred only by the Grand Councilor and the very last one only by the Grand Master. Diverse procedures from the Brazilian Grand Lodge.
-The members participate intensively on the discussions promoted by Fr. Lonnie such as attributes of the soul personality, the inner master, the ego so that everyone could figure out which homework is to be done to achieve more spiritual evolution. “Anger is a reaction. It’s our enemy , we should learn not to react .”
-I was here with my wife Rejane and it was quite a experience participate , even for a while on the anniversary event of Atlantis Lodge.
Some pictures –!AuwEJ-_opc9z50dIWURT0tNG7MgS?e=GY4Gme
-Marcos Hans ( revisado fevereiro 2022)
Writer, Speaker, Administrator, Personal and Executive Coach ICI Integrated Coaching Instituto.
Commercial real estate developer and a Happy professional traveller.
Past Grand Secretary of Foreign Affairs,Past Master,33,MRA,SEM,Kt.Pr., FRC,Shriner, SRCF VII, TOM.
See curriculum.
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