Arquivo mensal 11 de março de 2012

O modo como fazemos as coisas

Todos nós criamos nossas perspectivas e regras práticas…o modo como fazemos as coisas. São as crenças que atualmente chamamos de paradigmas. Especificamente , paradigmas são regras que tomamos como coisa líquida e certa. suposições mais elementares sobre o modo como vivemos e trabalhamos.
-Os paradigmas também podem ter um efeito restritivo, ou seja, podem estar tão enraivados a ponto de se tornarem um obstáculo a capacidade de enxergar novas oportunidades. Por isto, é de bom alvitre, periodicamente voltar a zero.
O velho modo de fazer as coisas pode parecer ser o único, então sugiro, DQPM, ou seja De Que Maneira Posso, Podemos fazer isto de forma mais criativa, econômica, inteligente.
Cada um tem habilidades e capacidades para criar o seu futuro, é somente ter atitude de iniciar. Tudo começa com primeiro passo. Medite sobre este episódio, um clássico na literatura de treinamentos.
Um homem sábio fazia um passeio pela praia, ao alvorecer. Ao longe, avistou um jovem rapaz que parecia dançar ao longo das ondas. ao se aproximar, percebeu que o jovem pegava estrelas do mar e as atirava suavemente de volta à água.
O que você está fazendo?
O sol está subindo e maré baixando, se eu não as devolver ao mar, irão morrer.
Mas meu jovem, há quilômetros de praia cobertas de estrelas do mar. Você não vai conseguir fazer qualquer diferença.
O jovem se curvou, pegou mais uma estrela do mar e atirou-a carinhosamente de volta ao oceano, além da arrebentação das ondas, e disse:
A atitude daquele jovem representa alguma coisa de especial que existe em nós. Todos fomos dotados de capacidade de fazer diferença. cada um de nós pode moldar o próprio futuro. Cada um de nós tem imponderável de ajudar nossas organizações a atingirem seus objetivos. Cada um de nós pode influenciar positivamente, entusiasticamente o seu ambiente. Basta querer fazer a diferença.
Visão sem ação não passa de um sonho. Ação sem visão é só passatempo. Visão com ação pode mudar o mundo,o seu mundo. ( Joel A. Baker)
Eu responde porquê? Por que tudo é uma questão de atitude.

Marcos Hans (revisado em Fevereiro de 2022)

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The Race

Recently I read a story about a monkey, written by the Greek writer Aesop. The story had a moral lesson, that people sometimes do things too quickly , without thinking. They wish to do good but instead they hurt themselves and others.
The following is another story with a moral lesson.A story of two animals. a turtle and a rabbit.
One day a turtle, we shall call him Mr. Turtle, left his home to take a walk. It was a bright sunny morning. Mr. Turtle kissed his wife good bye and started out. He felt very well this particular morning. As turtles do, he walked very slowly. he had not gone far when he met a rabbit. Mr. turtle knew this rabbit very well. He had him many times before and he did not like this rabbit because he was sarcastic and always laughed at the turtle.
Where do you think you’re going? asked the rabbit. I’m just taking a walk said Mr. Turtle. You? taking a walk? said the rabbit and than began to laugh very loud.
What is so funny asked the turtle. with those legs of yours you certainly can’t walk very well, or very far, said the rabbit. What’s the matter with my legs? Nothing, except that I don’t know whether you can call them legs or not. they’re so short and so funny looking.
The turtle became very angry. But he did not say anything. He was thinking and finally said. I can walk and I can run as well as you can Mr. Rabbit. The rabbit laughed so loud that he could not.
Would you like to make a bet on it? Said the turtle.we will run a race. I bet that I will win. With those funny little legs? said the rabbit, shaking with laughter.
I’ll bet you a bottle of champagne and ten dollars in gold, said the turtle. The rabbit stopped laughing. Are you serious? He asked. Well, will run from one end of the farmer white’s field to the other, said the turtle.
Very well, said the rabbit, let’s begin he race right now. There is no hurry said the turtle, I haven’t had my breakfast yet. My wife is also waiting for me. But I’ll meet you at farmer white’s field at eleven o’clock.
The rabbit finally agreed to this. Mr. turtle started home. On the way home he thought to himself : what an important person the rabbit thinks he is, just because he can run fast. But this time I will teach him good lesson. He arrived home, kissed his wife and said to her.
Hurry my dear, dress quickly and come with me, you have to help me. I have just made a bet with Mr. rabbit. What kind of bet? I bet him a bottle of champagne and ten dollars in gold that I can beat him in a race. Are you crazy? The rabbit is the fastest animal in the forest.
I know that,but I also know that he is very stupid. I intend to win the race. Now hurry and let’s not waste any more time.
On the way to the farmer white’s field Mr. Turtle explained his plan very carefully to Mrs. Turtle. Farmer White plowed his field yesterday, the re deep furrows from one end of the field to the other. I will run in one furrow and I in another, thus we will not be able to see each other as we run.
But what do I have to do with all this, asked Mrs. Turtle. It is very simple. You and I look exactly alike. No one can tell us apart. Mr. rabbit and I will start our race from one end of the field , but I will only run a few feet, then I will lay down in the furrow. He will not see me. You will wait for us at the other end of the field. You will lay down and hide in the same furrow in which I will run, when you hear the rabbit coming, you will get up quickly and say, here I am.bHe will think you are me. He will also think I have won the race.
Suppose he wants to run a second race, as his wife. Then you will begin the race and I will be at my end to finish it. So, the moment approach. It is time to begin.
One, two, three. the rabbit raced ahead. When he came to the other end, Mrs. turtle said: Here I am. Mr. Rabbit was very much surprised. He could not believe his eyes. How strange he said. Then a little later he added. Let’s run another race. They run a second race. The rabbit was even more surprised. They run 83 races and finally the rabbit collapsed and died.
Mr. Turtle was a little surprised at this result, but no unhappy about it. He never liked the rabbit anyway.
The moral lesson is very clear, there are in fact more then one lesson and you may conclude something different.
First, do not laugh at anyone inferior to you. You may prove to,be really the inferior one. Second, when you marry , be careful to marry someone alike yourself and third ,sometimes you have to teach a lesson to someone, but do not cheat.
And, finally because everything is a matter of attitude.whois сервисыrussian translation in english text