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GUTHRIE SCOTTISH RITE april 2013 Reunion and The Grand Lodge of Oklahoma

GUTHRIE SCOTTISH RITE april 2013 Reunion
Grand Lodge of Oklahoma

Pictures on onedrive –!AuwEJ-_opc9zzyuMef5mpGQsdMgd?e=SLIdxj

-In Guthrie, 35 miles from Oklahoma City is located the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma ( and the famous Guthrie Scottish Rite(
-My participation on a reunion at the Guthrie Scottish Rite is because once a year they perform all the 29 degrees, from the 4th to the 32th. More than 150 brethren will perform those degrees one after another that is why every team have to be ready with customs and the sayings. New candidates and observers from outside and from many states within the Unites States come to attend and receive the degrees here because the Guthrie Scottish Rite is famous for this annual reunion, and I came to check it out.

-The Grand Lodge of Oklahoma is located just a few blocks from here. The Grand Secretary Bro. Steve Singleton gave me a tour on the building and the museum. The Grand Master Bro. William H. Pearce gave a speech on the opening ceremony at the Guthrie Scottish Rite reunion and gave emphasis  to the inner building that everyone is building, otherwise, this marvelous building that we are in today, will just be another building.
-Besides the degrees , for which this is valley is famous, I found the Academy of Reflection, which was created to encourage the Scottish Rite Masons in the pursuit of inner work such as meditation and silent prayer.
-The new friends, the conversations about the fraternity were the side effects and
I liked it very much to come here and see all the effort that the valley of Guthrie is putting on. The Secretary of the valley, Bro. Bob Davis is a gentleman and makes you feel at home at once. He even send someone to pick e up at the hotel and drive to Guthrie. Thank you to Bro. Frederick Dittmar 33.And  on the way back Bro. Kenneth House KCCH, drove me to the airport. Thank you Bro. House.

– The attitude to visit other bodies, attend conferences, meetings, degrees will help you to understand better yourself and therefore live better and why not longer while here.


Marcos Hans
Writer, Speaker, Administrator, Personal and Executive Coach ICI Integrated Coaching Institute.
Commercial real estate developer and a Happy professional tourist
Past Grand Secretary of Foreign Affairs,Past Master,33,MRA,SEM,Kt.Pr., FRC,Shriner, SRCF VII, TOM.
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